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Owen Measures
Mar 16, 202113 min read
What type of affair was it and why does it matter?
Cheating is cheating right? Well maybe not. Many of my clients seek support from me after they have discovered an affair in their...
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Owen Measures
Jan 25, 20212 min read
Does Relationship Counselling Work?
This is a common question in my line of work with many different perspectives and opinions. In general however, I would say, Yes of...
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Owen Measures
Jan 24, 20212 min read
Trust and you
The way we trust is heavily influenced by a number of factors throughout our lives and as we grow up our relationship with trust changes...
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Owen Measures
Nov 18, 20201 min read
Mental Health & me - Why I became a Relationship Counsellor
I didn't grow up knowing I wanted to be a Relationship Counsellor, in fact, for a long time I didn't know what I wanted to be but then I...
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Owen Measures
Nov 16, 20201 min read
Relationship Counsellor Yorkshire - 3 Tips to improve communications
In my experience, as a Relationship Counsellor based in Yorkshire, the majority of difficulties that my clients go through are rooted in...
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