Cheating is cheating right?
Well maybe not.
Many of my clients seek support from me after they have discovered an affair in their relationship. However, the type of affair isn't really one of their questions, nor has it ever been? So why then should I be talking about it now?
Whilst all affairs cause devastation within an relationship, its true to say that certain types of affairs are easier to recover from than others. If your partner has had a one off affair with a stranger, that was never planned and most likely won't re occur, it may be easier to work through than an affair that has been happening for years or an affair that keeps happening, each time with someone new.
Therefore, the type of affair is a good indication of the reason behind it, which should be the starting block for any type of work that is going to support the couple in trying to recover.
An affair is never the problem, it is only ever a symptom of the problem!